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ANZ CHD Registry

Initial data has now been published on the ANZ CHD Registry. The data represents the most comprehensive cohort collected for the Australian CHD population thus far and is comparable with the largest contemporary CHD registries around the world. 

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Welcome to the website of the Congenital Heart Alliance of Australia and New Zealand (CHAANZ).

CHAANZ is a consortium of congenital heart disease researchers from Australia and New Zealand. Their purpose is to facilitate focused research in congenital heart disease, promote the need for greater resources and assist with services for all people with congenital heart disease.

In the News

The ANZ CHD Registry was recently featured on Channel 9 News. Professor David Celermajer AO, has led the development of the ANZ CHD Registry and Clarissa Pitisikas, Head of Donor Services at HRI and one of Professor Celermajer's patients, spoke to 9News Health Reporter Gabriela Rogers.

Australian-wide study of the outcomes and burden of congenital heart disease across the life-course

In July 2020, funding was awarded to CHAANZ from the Medical Research Future Fund Grants for Congenital Heart Disease. This project aims to understand the burdens and outcomes of congenital heart disease.

Aotearoa New Zealand

The Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Service based at Starship/Auckland City Hospitals is very pleased to contribute to the CHAANZ Registry collaboration and grateful for the support and endorsement of Heart Kids New Zealand for this project.


At this time, it is only possible to enrol and contribute data from patients from Aotearoa New Zealand who have received inpatient or outpatient care in Te Toka Tumai Auckland (Starship, Greenlane and Auckland Hospitals).

Our research

Patient Engagement Study

Patient Engagement Study

Interviews and focus groups are underway to consult patients on how they feel about their care, key challenges they face, and suggestions for care plan improvements. The purpose of these discussions will be to understand the participants’ impressions of the proposed care plan for transition from paediatric to adult CHD care and ongoing CHD care.

ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry

ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry

The National Congenital Heart Disease survey is the first step towards addressing current research questions and developing solutions to help all patients with congenital heart disease, irrespective of where they sit on the disease continuum.

Outcomes & Burdens for CHD

Outcomes & Burdens for CHD

In addition to providing increased resources for the development of the ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry, the MRFF funding will also allow CHAANZ to expand its research in to the burdens and outcomes of congenital heart disease. Recruitment is now complete.

National CHD Survey

National CHD Survey

The National Congenital Heart Disease Online Survey was a voluntary online survey to help understand experiences and needs of people with congenital heart disease.

Developing the ANZ CHD Registry

Developing the ANZ CHD Registry

Developing and optimising the ANZ CHD Registry has been an involved process. Read about some of our published work here.

Our Research

Our Research

A call for a National Congenital Heart Disease Registry was advised after an extensive review of CHD management across Australia, published in the HeartKids Australia White paper.

Our research is generously supported by:

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Pinnacle Charitable Foundation
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© 2024 by Dott Nemeth

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