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Our supporters

CHAANZ is generously supported by HeartKids, The Kinghorn Foundation, The Pinnacle Charitable Foundation, the Medical Research Futures Fund, The University of Sydney, the Heart Research Institute and New South Wales Health. 

We also have many partners who contribute to the ANZ Congenital Heart Disease Registry and collaborating in our research:

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Children’s Hospital at Westmead, John Hunter Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Queensland Children’s Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Perth Children’s Hospital   

Heart Kids Australia

HeartKids is the only Australian not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood heart disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.

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The Kinghorn Foundation

The Kinghorn foundation is a philanthropic organisation administered by the Kinghorns.

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Pinnacle Charitable Foundation

Pinnacle is passionate about enabling better lives through investment excellence. This belief is reflected through Pinnacle’s strong commitment – together with its affiliated fund managers – towards partnering with the Pinnacle Charitable Foundation (Foundation) to drive positive, long term social change.

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The Heart Research Institute is an internationally recognised medical research institute that performs groundbreaking cardiovascular research.



The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is a $20 billion long-term investment supporting Australian health and medical research. The MRFF aims to transform health and medical research and innovation to improve lives, build the economy and contribute to health system sustainability.


NSW Health

The New South Wales Ministry of Health, branded NSW Health, is a ministerial department of the New South Wales Government. NSW Health supports the executive and statutory roles of the Minister for Health, the Minister for Medical Research, and the Minister for Mental Health.


University of Sydney

The University of Sydney is a public research university located in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 1850, it is Australia's first university and is regarded as one of the world's leading universities. The university is known as one of Australia's six sandstone universities.


Heart Kids
New Zealand

Every week, 12 Kiwi families are told that their child has a heart condition. Heart Kids NZ is the only charity in New Zealand that provides support, information, connection, and hope to all those families impacted by congenital and acquired childhood heart conditions.

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Our research is generously supported by:

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Pinnacle Charitable Foundation
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© 2024 by Dott Nemeth

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